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Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Fat Burner

Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Fat Burner

January 03,2017

                                        Clenbuterol Hydrochloride Fat Burner

Clenbuterol Fat Burner

1. What is Clenbuterol ?

Clenbuterol Hydrochloride, hereinafter referred to as: Clen. Clen is a selective adrenergic β-2 receptor agonist, which is clinically used to treat diseases such as bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and emphysema. It can stimulate the sympathetic nerve, increase the excitability of the central nervous system, coupled with its own thermogenic effect, increase the body temperature, can greatly increase the metabolism to accelerate fat decomposition. Clen is often combined into a cycle to control fat growth or reduce fat. At the same time, it can also be used alone without steroids to reduce fat, and it can also get a good fat reduction effect.

2. clenbuterol benefits


In addition to its medical function, the most important function of Clen is to reduce fat, and increase the consumption of metabolism by increasing body temperature.

Off-season athletes often use it to control body fat, because the calorie intake of off-season muscle building tends to exceed the needs of muscle building, resulting in fat growth. Using Clen can avoid this problem.

Season athletes use it directly to reduce fat and eliminate stubborn fat, and use Clen 8-10 weeks before competition to improve muscle leanness and lower body fat.

Ordinary enthusiasts can also use it to burn fat, but if the body fat is high, it is better to pay attention to diet and training to control the body fat, and then use Clen at this time to get a good effect.

3. Clenbuterol side effects

Due to the characteristics of Clenβ-2 agonists and the drug itself, mild palpitations, nervous tension, hand shaking and sweating, increased heart rate, and increased body temperature may occur, but they will gradually disappear within 2-3 days after the body adapts . Clen will suffer from insomnia, which is a side effect of stimulants. Long-term use of high doses will have some dangerous side effects, such as irregular heartbeat, increased blood pressure, convulsions and even death.

4. Instructions for use of Clenbuterol clenbuterol use / clenbuterol dosage )


Clen is used to treat bronchial diseases at 20mcg per day, and for fat loss, it starts with 40mcg per day to adapt to the body, and then increases the dose to improve the fat burning effect. The highest dosage of Clen is 120mcg per day for men and 80mcg per day for women. Some people think that 140mcg is very effective, and more than 140mcg will definitely have safety hazards and serious problems.

5. clenbuterol Reviews


The use of Clen is quite special, and the dose needs to be designed according to the actual situation of the user. Due to drug tolerance, after a period of use, the effect will begin to decline. At this time, many things need to be adjusted to obtain better results. If you want to achieve the maximum fat burning effect, you need to use it under the guidance of professionals.


With the increase of the dosage and the diversification of things, the risks brought are higher, and the use cycle is limited, and only reasonable use can bring you good results.


It must be used under the guidance of professionals to reduce or even avoid side effects and maximize the effect. Do not use it indiscriminately.

People with heart disease, do not use it! ! !

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