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Anadrol 50 dosage for bodybuilding

Anadrol 50 dosage for bodybuilding

June 12,2016

Anadrol 50 dosage for bodybuilding

Anadrol 50 bodybuilding

Anadrol 50 dosage for bodybuilding
Anadrol 50 cycle
Anadrol 50 results
Anadrol-50 side effects
Anadrol Tablets

Anadrol 50 price

Anadrol are derivatives of bipothale testosterone, but they are similar to estrogen. It will bring the side effects of estrogen hormones. It belongs to 17-AA steroids and has certain hepatic toxicity. It can quickly increase its strength, increase enclosion and relieve joint pain, improve the pump in training, have strong protein synthesis ability Androgen characteristics. Can quickly increase weight in a short time. Therefore, it is more suitable for use in the muscle enhancement stage

Brief introduction

Anadrol are oral synthetic metabolic steroids derived from dual -hydrogen testosterone. More specifically, it is just a methyl hydrogen testosterone formed after adding 2-hydroxyl methyl. This produces a similar body, which is significantly different from the beauty of the beauty, but it is difficult to compare between the two. For beginners, rehabilitation dragon is a very effective synthetic metabolic hormone. Because these molecules are not very stable in the high enzyme (3-α hydroxyl hydrogenase) environment of muscle tissue. Inside, both hydrogen testosterone and beauty of the United States are very weak. Oxygen free radicals are highly active here, as reported in the standard animal measurement test, it has a higher synthetic metabolic activity than testosterone or nail testosterone. Such a measurement shows that the androgoticity of Anadrol is still very low.

Many people think that Anadrol are the most powerful steroids in the market. A novice test using steroids may get 20 to 30 pounds of weight, and this effect can usually be achieved within 6 weeks after use. This type of steroid can make the body a lot of water, so a large part of this increase will be water. This usually has little effect on users. They feel that the muscles are large and strong when taking Anadrol. Although the smooth appearance obtained by water storage is usually not attractive, it can greatly improve the size and strength. The muscles are fuller, the contraction is better, and it provides a certain degree of protection consisting of additional water and connective tissue. This will obtain more flexibility and it is expected to reduce the chance of weightlifting. However, it should be noted that the very fast quality gain may also cause much pressure on connective tissue. Tearing of pectoral muscle and dius muscle tissue is usually related to large weight weightlifting


Anadrol first appeared in 1959. The medicine was used as a prescription drug in the United States in the early 1960s and was sold with brand names Anadrol-50 (Syntex) and Androidd (Parke Davis & CO.). Syntex became an agent and held a patent right, and it did not expire until many years. The drug was initially approved to be used to synthesize metabolic effects. The purpose of indication includes aging and weakness, chronic weight insufficient state, keep thin weight before and after surgery, restore infection, gastrointestinal diseases, osteoporosis and general decomposition metabolic conditions. The recommended dose of this purpose is usually 2.5mg once, three times a day. The drug was originally provided in the form of 2.5mg, 5mg or 10mg tablets.

Although the drug has many potential treatment and strong synthetic metabolic activity, the FDA quickly strictly reduced the use of Anadrol. By the mid -1970s, the drug was approved by the FDA for the treatment of anemia characterized by red blood cells (RBC) deficiency. It is true that stimulating red blood cells is the characteristic of almost all synthetic metabolic steroids, and they are used as a group that increases red blood cell concentration. However, in this regard, rehabilitation dragon seems to be quite reliable; it can promote the level of red blood cells to increase by 5 times. This has led to the adoption of this relatively new medical use and the use of updated Anadrol-50 products to prepare higher (50mg) dosage, which has a greater impact on the RBC count. However, the Park Davis project will not be raised to a higher dose, and it has stopped.

In recent years, there have been some new therapies of anemia, especially with EPOGEN (reorganization of red blood cells) and related red blood cells. These drugs directly imitate the human body's natural red blood cells to generate hormones, so it provides a more concentrated treatment method, and only has less subjective side effects. Although rehabilitation was once regarded as an effective drug, sales were declining. The low profit finally stopped Syntex's Anadrol 50 in the United States in 1993. At the same time, they decided to abandon some foreign projects at the same time. The rehabilitation dragon in Switzerland and Austria was abandoned; by Spain's Oxitosona. In the mid -1990s, many athletes worried that Anadrol would become less and less.

In July 1997, Syntex's ownership of the United States, Canada and Mexico's Anadrol-50 was sold to Unimed Pharmaceuticals. In 1998, the UNADROL-50 was re-introduced into the US market. At this time, the audience was AIDS/AIDS patients. AIDS patients are usually anemia and are often caused by the disease itself, opportunity infection or anti -reverse virus drugs used to treat diseases. Anti -virus patients are usually derived from the production of red blood cells in the bone marrow, and FDA approves the use of hydroxylthone. In addition, rehabilitation has shown great hope in the study of HIV. Unadel is about to start the II/ III test for Anadrol for HIV syndrome, and continues to study the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and fat malnutrition (characterized by selectively loss of body fat, insulin resistance, diabetes, high glycerin Trident level and fatty liver).

In April 2006, Solvay Pharmaceuticals (the parent company of Unimed) sold Anadrol-50's rights to Alaven Pharmaceutical, LLC. Alaven continues to sell this drug in the United States, but it is not sure to use Anadrol for other purposes. The only FDA is currently approved to treat red blood cell anemia. Syntex seems to be separated from the global rehabilitation dragon market, and stops making products as much as possible or transferred to other companies. Anadrol can still be used outside the United States, but it is mainly sold to a small market with small scale and inadequate control.

Anadrol 50 Provide specifications:
Ingredients and doses may vary from national and manufacturers. Most brands contain 50 mg of steroids.

Anadrol 50 Structural features:
Anadrol is a modified form of dual -hydrogen testosterone. It is different from 1) Add methyl-based on 17-α carbon, which helps protect hormones during oral administration, and introduce 2-hydroxyl metal methyl-based to inhibit the metabolism of 3-HSD enzymes, which greatly enhances methyl dihydrogen Synthetic metabolism and relative biological activity of testosterone.

Anadrol 50 Side effects (estrogen):

Anadrol is high estrogen steroid. Male breast development is often a problem in the treatment process, and may appear early in a cycle (especially when using higher doses). At the same time, water preservation will also become a problem, and muscle clarity will be significantly lost, due to the accumulation of subcutaneous water storage and fat. In order to avoid strong estrogen side effects, anti -estrogen may need to be used, such as, Anatus 锉, Isetan

It is important to note that Anadrol will not directly convert into estrogen in the body. This type of steroid is a derivative of dihydrous testosterone, so it cannot be structured. Anti -aroma compounds, such as Cytadren and Arimidex, do not affect the relative estrogenicity of this type of sterrome. Some people think that rehabilitation dragon contains high -level estrogen activity actually because it is a drug -like drug, like Nuo Long. The side effects of estrogen and progesterone are very similar, which makes this explanation possible. However, there is a medical research that examines the rehabilitation of pregnancy promotion activity that determines that it does not exist in this kind of activity. Through this discovery, it seems that the most likely is that rehabilitation dragon can activate estrogen receptors, similar to estrogen androgens methalisol, which may be stronger than it.

Anadrol 50 Side effects (androgen):

Although Anadrol are classified as synthetic metabolic steroids, the substance may still produce androgen side effects. These may include oily skin, acne and body/facial hair growth. The higher dose is more likely to cause this side effect. Synthetic metabolic /rogens steroids may also accelerate male hair loss. Women are also warned to have the potential deterioration of synthetic metabolism/androgen steroids. These may include the deepening of sound, irregular menstruation, changes in skin texture, facial hair growth, and clitoris. Although Anadrol are classified as synthetic metabolic steroids, it does retain significant androgens.

Interestingly, the Anadrol does show the tendency to transform into dual-hydrogen testosterone in the body, although this will not occur through 5-α restoration enzymes. Anadrol are already steroids based on dihydr -hydrogen testosterone, so this change will not occur. In addition to the added C-17α alkyl (discussion below), Anadrol are distinguished by adding 2-hydroxyl metal methyl groups to DHT. This packet can remove metabolism and reduce Anadrolto become 17α-methyl dihydro-testosterone (miheol). There is no doubt that this kind of biological transformation has contributed to this kind of spiny of this type of steroid at least to some extent. Note that because the 5-α restoration enzyme is not involved, the relative androgens of the rehabilitation dragon are not affected compared with the use of non-almanamide or other male amine at the same time.

Anadrol 50 Side effects (liver toxicity):

Anadrol is a C17-α alkyl compound. This change of protective drugs from the activation of the liver, making the proportion of drugs after oral administration is very high. C17-α alkylated synthetic metabolic /rogens steroids, which are hepatic toxic. Long -term or large amount of use may cause liver damage. In rare cases, dysfunction may occur. It is recommended to regularly visit doctors during each cycle to monitor liver function and overall health. The intake of C17-α alkyl steroids is usually limited to 6-8 weeks to avoid liver damage.

Anadrol has a saturated A ring, which slightly reduces relative liver toxicity. However, the reagent, especially in the general dose, can make users present significant liver toxicity. The study of 50 mg or 100 mg of 31 elderly men per week was 12 weeks. Among patients taking 100 mg, liver enzymes (transaminase AST and ALT) have increased significantly. The second study gives 30 doses of 50 mg daily to 30 bits that have been proven to have 17 % γ-glutamyl metastases (GGT), 10 % biphalin increases significantly, and serum lean protein has increased by 20 %. A patient develops into hepatoma, which may be hepatitis, and this is a kind of adverse life that is characterized by liver congestion cysts. A small number of other cases of hepatitis are related to Anadrol, so you should still consider the possibility of hepatic toxicity before use.

Anadrol 50 Side effects (cardiovascular):

Synthetic metabolic /rogens steroids can have harmful effects on serum cholesterol. This includes a trend of reducing HDL (good) cholesterol value and increasing LDL (bad) cholesterol value, which may transfer HDL to LDL balance. The relative impact of synthetic metabolic /rogens steroids on serum lipid depends on the dose, administration pathway (oral and injection), steroids (aromatized or non -aromaticized) types, and drug resistance to liver metabolism. Synthetic metabolic /rogens steroids may also adversely affect blood pressure and triglycerides, reduce endothelial relaxation, and cause left ventricular hypertrophy, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and myocardial infarction.

Due to the structural resistance and administration of liver decomposition, oxygenylkzetrolas' has a strong effect on the liver cholesterol. A group of elderly men with 50mg or 100mg per week lasted for 12 weeks. Finally, the increase in low -density lipoprotein cholesterol was not obvious, but it showed significant suppression of high -density lipoprotein cholesterol (in 50mg and 100mg groups Reduce 19 and 23 points respectively). Only after careful consideration can we use Anadrol in patients with a history of high cholesterol or family heart disease.

In order to help reduce cardiovascular tension, it is recommended to maintain a positive cardiovascular movement plan, and always reduce the intake of saturated fat during the use of AAS, and minimize the intake of cholesterol and simple carbohydrates. It is also recommended to replenish fish oil (4 grams per day) and natural cholesterol/antioxidant formulas such as Lipid Stabil or products with similar ingredients.

Anadrol 50 Side effects (testicular hormone suppression):

When taking the dose that is sufficient to promote muscle gain, all synthetic metabolic /rogen steroids are expected to inhibit endogenous testosterone production. Without the intervention of testosterone stimulation, the level of testosterone should be restored to normal within 1-4 months of drug division. Please note that the abuse of steroids may be secondary to steroids, and medical intervention needs to be performed.

Please note that when the rehabilitation dragon is stopped, the situation may be as powerful as the result after the cycle. First of all, the level of water retention will be reduced rapidly, which greatly reduces the weight of the user. This should be expected, don't care too much. Usually the most concerned is to restore endogenous testosterone production through the appropriate PCT scheme (PCT cyclic therapy). Before the beginning, some people choose to switch to a relatively mild injection, such as Deca Durabolin first for a few weeks. This is for "hardening" new muscles, and it can prove a effective practice, at least from a psychological point of view. Although the final result usually retains more (quality) muscle quality, a certain quality decrease may occur during switching. This decline is first to reduce water retention, and after a few weeks, hormones are reduced. Remember to use auxiliary drugs, because testicular hormone production during DECA treatment will not rebound.

Anadrol 50 Treatment (general):

Studies have shown that taking oral synthetic metabolic bodies and food may reduce their biological utilization. This is caused by the fat -soluble properties of steroid hormones, which may dissolve some drugs and unlute dietary fats and reduce the absorption of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to maximize the use, this type of steroid should be taken on an empty stomach.

Anadrol 50 Treatment (male):

Early prescription guide for rehabilitation is recommended per kilogram of weight of 1-5 mg per day to treat anemia, although the dose of 1-2 mg / kg is usually sufficient. A 175 -pound person takes about 150 mg per day, and the dose is 2 mg/kg. In other countries, it is recommended to limit the daily rehabilitation of dragons to 100mg. Treatment is usually at least three to six months. When the purpose of physical or performance enhancement, the effective daily dose is within the range of 25-150 mg, but it should be taken in a cycle of no more than 6-8 weeks to minimize liver toxicity. This level is enough to significantly increase muscle quality and strength. The higher dose is rarely applied due to the strong estrogen properties of the drug and the high potential of the hepatic toxicity.

Anadrol 50 dosage cycle for bodybuilding

In the season, Cycle is generally 50mg per day, and high -level athletes may reach 150mg per day.

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