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Clenbuterol hydrochloride for bodybuilding

Clenbuterol hydrochloride for bodybuilding

February 03,2017

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1. Clenbuterol hydrochloride


Clenbuterol is a powerful bronchodilator used to treat airway disorders like asthma. Although it works well, it has never been approved by the FDA. People say the reason the FDA is doing this is because they have approved a bunch of other similar drugs that do the same thing as clenbuterol.


In addition to being used for treatment, clenbuterol is more of a drug that promotes thermogenesis. Clenbuterol is actually quite common in cycling programs for fat loss. It is often used by steroid users to reduce fat. It's a drug that bodybuilders and fitness stars have long favored. However, people who do not use steroids also use it for fat loss. You don't need to use this drug with steroids to get fat loss results

2 .Functions and Properties of Clenbuterol


Clenbuterol is a sympathomimetic drug that acts on the sympathomimetic nervous system. There are many neuroreceptors in the body that respond to it. For clenbuterol, it primarily stimulates beta-2 receptors. Through this stimulation, many obstacles are removed so that the respiration efficiency of the cells can be improved. Such stimulation can also be used to increase metabolic efficiency. Clenbuterol actually accelerates fat breakdown by increasing metabolic efficiency and raising body temperature. This is because stimulation of the beat-2 receptor further stimulates the mitochondria inside the cell to generate more heat. Therefore, the body temperature will increase slightly, and the metabolic efficiency will also increase, which will lead to faster decomposition of fat. In fact the functional properties of Clenbuterol are straightforward.


Clenbuterol has also been found to have strong anabolic properties, so many people want to use it to help with lean mass gains. Typically most steroid users use it as a post-cycle recovery to help preserve muscle. However, these usages have only one downside: they are not useful at all. While studies have shown that clenbuterol can exhibit anabolic effects when used in animals, it does not have such effects when used in humans. Helping fat burning is the biggest functional characteristic of clenbuterol.

3 .Effects of Clenbuterol


What clenbuterol does when used in therapy is as simple as helping the patient breathe. As a thermogenic helper, clenbuterol's mechanism of action remains simple. Stimulation of the beat-2 receptor further stimulates the mitochondria in the cell to generate more heat. Therefore, the body temperature will increase slightly, and the metabolic efficiency will also increase, so the fat decomposition efficiency will also be improved. Yet even though clenbuterol is a powerful fat burner, it doesn't have the ability to make an obese body miraculously lean. In fact even if you use Clenbuterol your fat loss diet is still as strict as it would be without it. Otherwise, the fat will not be lost at all. So the question arises: so what do I use it for? Simply put, it helps you generate heat. It doesn't take fat out of your body, but it can help burn fat by improving metabolic efficiency. The best option is to use Clenbuterol when you have lost a lot of fat and are leaner and just need to burn off the little stubborn fat that is left. Know more and you'll realize that this drug is best used when it's most needed.


Typically bodybuilders and bodybuilders will use clenbuterol for 8-10 weeks prior to competition to sculpt muscle finesse. For general enthusiasts who want to make their muscles more lined, the method of use can be slightly adjusted. This means you don't have to be at a pre-competition level to use it. If you have already lost a little fat and want to lose a little more weight, clenbuterol can be very effective. But if your sebum is still high, you should pay attention to diet and training to control it.

4. Clenbuterol side effects


There are many side effects of using clenbuterol, most of which stem from its "stimulating" properties. As a stimulant, clenbuterol can cause some very annoying side effects. Examples include constant nervousness, shaking hands, and constant sweating. Most users will experience this series of symptoms in the early stage of use. For some individuals who are more comfortable with stimulants, these side effects will gradually disappear. But some people may never get used to it well so they can't use it at all.


When using clenbuterol, many people think that the function of the drug to help heat production will disappear after the side effects gradually disappear. This is a wrong understanding. Generally speaking, clenbuterol can maintain the same level of metabolic efficiency improvement in the first five weeks of use. After the fifth week, as the body gradually adapts to the thermogenic effect of this stimulant, the effect will gradually weaken. At this time, it is necessary to actively adjust, and to obtain better results by adjusting the dosage and use time.


In addition to the above-mentioned side effects, clenbuterol, as a stimulant, has other side effects, such as headache and nausea. The side effect that annoys bodybuilders the most is that it causes muscle cramps. To some extent, this only happens during high-intensity exercise. Generally, this type of problem can be reduced or even avoided by supplementing with sufficient water, and supplementing with taurine will also have a good effect. Many users also experience insomnia, in fact for many people it is not possible to fall asleep at all after taking clenbuterol. This is a side effect of many stimulants, but since clenbuterol has a half-life of 34 hours, insomnia cannot be avoided after use. Many people may still fall asleep taking it in the morning, but insomnia is inevitable anyway.


Clenbuterol can have some very dangerous side effects when used in high doses and for prolonged periods of time. This includes causing increased blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, convulsions and even intermittent panic attacks. Some studies show it can even cause fatal heart problems.

5. Use of clenbuterol


The dose of clenbuterol for treatment is about 20mcg per day, some people will need 40mcg. Sometimes more is used, but generally only for a short period of time. When used to enhance athletic performance, the dosage of clenbuterol is generally increased from low to high, gradually increasing to exceed the normal level of stimulation of beta-2 receptors. Starting with a dose of 40mcg per day is ideal. When the body gradually adapts to this dosage, it needs to further increase the dosage to enhance the fat burning effect. Below I list three ways to use clenbuterol, they are all effective, but you will need to experiment to find the one that works best for you.

1Fortnightly cycle


This is a very common usage and means two weeks on clenbuterol by two weeks off. Maintain this frequency of use until you reach your fat loss goal. Users gradually increase their dosage from 20mcg per day to the maximum dose. Stay on maximum dose for the last few days of the two weeks, then stop completely for the next two weeks. You can start a new cycle of use after two weeks of inactivity. The fortnightly cycle schedule works well, but it has its problems. The body's metabolic efficiency will definitely decrease during the two weeks of discontinuation. This is not because you will definitely gain fat. As long as your diet and training can keep up, you will still lose fat, but the fat loss efficiency will be reduced. .

2continuous use


Continued use is largely unmanageable as the body gradually adapts to the stimulant. Even on the surface, such a plan does not make sense at all. But trust me it's a very effective program, you have to remember that clenbuterol can guarantee increased metabolic efficiency within five weeks. Users use a daily dose of 20-40mcg for the first 2-3 weeks. After 2-3 weeks increase the daily dose by 20mcg and keep it for 2-3 weeks. Maintain this dosage until the end of your fat loss program. This kind of plan will keep the metabolic efficiency in your body at a high level all the time. Although you won't experience a sudden improvement, it will continue to work.

3Use in the middle


This usage is actually a combination of the two usages mentioned above. Usually used 4-6 weeks before the competition will have good results. Users start at a daily dose of 40mcg and gradually increase the dose to the maximum dose, maintaining the maximum dose for the last 7-14 days of the plan. After that, if you still need to use it, you need to wait another 4-6 weeks. So this plan is more suitable for short-term users.


No matter what plan you use, the highest dosage of clenbuterol is generally 120mcg per day. Some men will feel that 140mcg has better results, but the dosage of more than 140mcg may cause serious heart problems. At the same time, a usage plan should not exceed 16 weeks, usually 16 weeks per year is more reasonable. Although there can be exceptions to the amount of time used by competitive bodybuilders, 16 weeks is really the sweet limit for risk aversion.

6. Acquisition of Clenbuterol


Clenbuterol is very common in the market, and the price is also acceptable. But be aware that there are no American-made clenbuterol products in the world. There are many brands produced in other countries. Clenbuterol is sold in most pills, and there are very few fakes. There are many high-quality pharmaceutical-grade clenbuterols even on the black market.

7. Clenbuterol Reviews


Clenbuterol is a great thermogenic, but it's by no means some magic fat-loss substance. Even if you use it you still need to lose fat by consuming more calories than you take in. Clenbuterol can increase metabolic efficiency and thus increase the efficiency of fat metabolism, so your caloric deficit will not be as large as it would be without clenbuterol. However, the essence of fat loss is diet, and medicine is just a supplement. Try to get the most out of it when you use it, and you may have to live with some annoying side effects from stimulants. Even though clenbuterol can help you get rid of that last bit of stubborn fat and improve your metabolic efficiency, you should clearly know that the use cycle is limited, and it is important to use it rationally. It's not a dangerous substance, but misusing it can definitely get you in trouble. Excessive abuse can lead to death, and it is not worth doing it for fat loss. Use it reasonably and strictly control your diet. I believe that using Clenbuterol will bring you good results.

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