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Testosterone Blend Dosage Cycles Effect Side Effects Results

Testosterone Blend Dosage Cycles Effect Side Effects Results

May 21,2016

                                   Testosterone Blend Dosage Cycles Effect Side Effects Results

Testosterone Blend Sustanon 250 Details

Sustanon 250 is the best known and most popular testosterone blend. The original intention of making this drug is to combine the advantages of testosterone with smaller ester groups and testosterone with larger ester groups to the greatest extent. This means that users can maintain blood testosterone levels by taking less frequent injections while still achieving similar effects as short-acting testosterone.


The lack of frequent injections makes Sustanon 250 a popular treatment for low testosterone. It allows patients to maintain testosterone levels with less frequent injections. But this is not the real important feature of the Sustanon 250. Mixed testosterone does not work better for athletes than monoester testosterone. In order to improve performance athletes need to achieve peak testosterone concentrations through frequent injections (such as testosterone propionate) rather than just keep the concentration constant. Some people always mistakenly think that Sustanon 250 is better than other monoester testosterones, but in fact it is a mixture of four testosterones, and all testosterones have the same effect in terms of the nature of testosterone.

Functions and Features of Sustanon 250


As an exogenous testosterone drug, Sustanon 250 is a perfect replica of the body's endogenous testosterone. The difference between Sustanon 250 and other testosterone blends is that it contains exact doses of testosterone molecules with different ester groups. But the production technology of Sustanon 250 is not as simple as mixing these four testosterones, which is why it is difficult for underground laboratories to imitate high-quality Sustanon 250.


As a testosterone preparation, sunstanon 250 is very effective in treating low testosterone. Testosterone is important for both men and women, but men need higher testosterone levels. This hormone not only ensures the normal development of sexual function but also has many links with our health. Testosterone affects our physical, mental, and sexual functions, and a state of low testosterone can lead to a host of problems. Although not fatal, it can seriously affect the quality of life and mood.

sunstanon250 can easily help low testosterone patients improve the following symptoms:

loss of libido

erectile dysfunction

loss of muscle

strength decline

body fat gain




lack of energy


weakened immune system

By using sunstanon250 can largely improve the quality of life of patients. And studies have shown that if you don't pay attention to low testosterone, it will lead to a series of more serious diseases:

Alzheimer's syndrome (senile dementia)






heart disease


Interestingly, while high testosterone levels can cause some heart problems, low testosterone causes more serious problems. If you suffer from low testosterone, there's no reason not to take a powerful and convenient testosterone supplement like sunstanon250 to stay healthy.

"Twelve studies involving 2,000 patients have shown that low testosterone levels are associated with increased mortality from heart disease. This information may lead doctors to prescribe more testosterone replacement therapy drugs in middle-aged and elderly people. A new treatment shows that testosterone does not It will not increase the incidence of heart disease as in the legend, and it can also prevent heart disease for men.This paragraph is quoted from the October 2014 issue of Muscular Development


However, the most important thing is the function of sunstanon250 when it is used to improve sports performance. Steroid users get all the same effects as people with low testosterone use. High levels of testosterone in the body can have five different benefits. You will find that testosterone is one of the most versatile steroids that can meet all the performance enhancing demands of athletes.

The characteristics of sunstanon250 include the following aspects:


Increased protein synthesis efficiency: Increased protein synthesis efficiency means that cells begin to preferentially synthesize muscle tissue. This is the most basic anabolic function.


Increased Nitrogen Retention: All muscle tissue contains approximately 16% nitrogen. There is a risk of muscle loss when nitrogen levels drop. The more nitrogen retained, the more stable the anabolic environment will be. This feature plays an important role in both muscle-building cycles and fat-loss cycles.


Increase the number of red blood cells: Red blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood. The increase in blood oxygen levels can increase muscle function, which means that muscle endurance and recovery ability will be greatly improved.


Increases Insulin-Like Growth Factor: Insulin-like Growth Factor is a very potent naturally occurring anabolic substance. Increased anabolic function can greatly enhance muscle recovery. This substance can affect every cell in the body.


Inhibition of glucocorticoids: Glucocorticoids can be said to be the opposite of anabolic steroids. This hormone destroys muscle tissue and causes fat storage. Cortisol is the best known glucocorticoid. The use of testosterone preparations such as sunstanon250 can ensure that glucocorticoids will not become the dominant hormone in the body.


The characteristics of sunstanon250 can be said to be simple and straightforward. It is not a magic drug, but it is still powerful. In fact testosterone hormone is the most important and most powerful steroid.

Sustanon 250 Dosage

The effect of sunstanon250

For improving sports performance, we need to introduce the effect of sunstanon250 step by step.


The sunstanon 250 is the best choice for a muscle-building cycle in the offseason. High doses of testosterone can provide the perfect environment for muscle growth, provided you consume enough calories, of course. If you don't eat enough to give you more testosterone, it won't have any effect, and you can't build tall buildings without bricks. However, when paired with the perfect diet, testosterone can lead to very significant muscle growth.


It's also important that testosterone boosts your metabolic efficiency. This means that high testosterone levels can keep you from gaining excess body fat during the offseason. But it needs to be made clear that if your diet and nutrition are not good, you will always gain body fat, but under the premise of a reasonable diet, testosterone can make your offseason training more efficient.


However, sunstanon250 is also a very good choice during the fat loss period. Its powerful anabolic efficiency can be more suitable for preserving muscle than any other steroid. When you eat more calories than you take in while preparing for a race, you run the risk of losing muscle. When the body needs energy, it will always use muscle first. It is possible to force the body to preferentially burn fat through a reasonable diet, but there are limits to this. When fat loss reaches a certain point, the body will enter self-protection mode, and it will deliberately store fat. This is where high levels of testosterone come into play.


Preserving muscle during the fat loss period is not the only purpose. Testosterone can improve the efficiency of anabolism, which can consume fat more efficiently. However, it should be noted that the dose of testosterone used in the fat-reducing period is smaller than that in the muscle-building period, which will be further analyzed in the introduction of side effects below. Low testosterone is never a good idea during fat loss, you need to understand how much testosterone you need to gain muscle, then you need at least the same dose to maintain muscle. Of course, you can also lower the amount of testosterone and combine it with other different drugs.


High doses of testosterone can also improve muscle recovery and muscular endurance. The recovery process is the process of muscle growth, not the one or two hours of training in the gym. The essence of training is to tear muscle fibers, and muscle growth means the process of restoring the torn cells. High doses of testosterone can make this process much faster and more efficient. Of course, sunstanon250 can also improve the user's strength, which is very important for training.

Sustanon 250 Cycles

Sustanon250 Side Effects


Sustanon 250 is a well tolerated steroid in healthy adult males. Side effects can be avoided to a large extent through rational use. At the same time, the occurrence of side effects also has a lot to do with each person's genes, so it is completely possible to use it safely.

1Estrogen aspects


The side effects of Sustanon250 are mainly manifested in its estrogen characteristics. This testosterone-like hormone is easily broken down into estrogen by the enzyme aromatase. When estrogen levels are too high, bitch milk and water retention can result. Severe water storage can cause blood pressure to rise. Fortunately these side effects are easily manageable for male users. Many male users are encouraged to use some antiestrogens to combat these side effects. Antiestrogens include two types, one is selective estrogen receptor modulators, such as tamoxifen (tamoxifen); the other is aromatization inhibitors, such as Arimide (anastrozole) aromatization inhibitors are Proven to be the most effective, it inhibits the aromatization process and keeps blood estrogen levels low. Unfortunately this drug can cause cholesterol levels to drop in the body, which can be even more severe if you are also taking other aromaticated steroids.


Selective estrogen modulators (tamoxifen) are not as effective, but are adequate for most male users. Although it does not directly inhibit aromatization, it can bind to estrogen receptors so estrogen itself cannot bind. Secondly, because it can improve the metabolism of estrogen in the liver, it can also increase cholesterol levels.


An extra note about water storage response, which is very important when using the Sustanon 250 in the offseason. You need to take in more calories than you burn in the offseason, but that doesn't mean much more than that, a little bit more is perfectly adequate. Eating too many calories, especially carbohydrates, greatly increases the risk of a water storage reaction.

2Aspects of male hormones


Sustanon250 is a powerful male hormone, so side effects in this regard are possible. Androgenic side effects of Sustanon 250 include acne, hair loss, male pattern baldness, and body hair growth. Side effects are not guaranteed and largely depend on each individual's genetics, but are fairly safe for most.


When dealing with this type of side effect, we need to be clear that it is caused by the catabolism of steroids ingested into the body by 5-alpha reductase. This metabolism breaks down testosterone into dioxytestosterone, which is much more potent. However, the metabolic activity of dioxytestosterone in the human body has been proved to be very small. The use of drugs such as finasteride to control the conversion of dioxytestosterone may not completely stop this effect, but it can still have a good effect.


Due to the androgenic profile of Sustanon 250, it may cause virilization symptoms when used by women. This includes growth of body hair, thickening of the vocal cords, and enlargement of the clitoris. Everyone's sensitivity is different. Once female users start to show virile characteristics, they should stop using it immediately until the symptoms disappear, otherwise the damage may be irreversible.

3Cardiovascular aspects


Sustanon 250 as a testosterone preparation has a negative effect on cholesterol levels in the body. Including increasing LDL cholesterol and inhibiting the secretion of HDL cholesterol. The inhibition efficiency of HDL cholesterol can reach up to 20%. If the suppression of HDL is too severe, it can lead to several health problems. Therefore, it is very important to control the cholesterol level in the body when using it. Note in particular that when using AI to regulate the increase in estrogen levels, it also has a negative impact on cholesterol levels.


However, the best way to deal with cholesterol and blood pressure problems is a healthy lifestyle. if you. A healthy lifestyle means first of all a healthy body, by a diet rich in Omega3 fatty acids (supplementary fish oil), avoiding saturated fatty acids and simple sugars and doing enough aerobic exercise.

4Testosterone aspect


All anabolic steroids suppress the body's own production of testosterone. However, since Sustanon250 is a testosterone preparation, there is no such problem. The time to really pay attention to this problem is after the drug is stopped. After the other exogenous steroid hormones leave your body, the secretion of testosterone in the body will gradually resume. But the natural recovery process is quite slow, which can lead to low testosterone, and cortisol may become the dominant hormone in the body. Therefore, a PCT recovery process after a cycle is still necessary. This recovery process will restore your testosterone levels more quickly. A good post-cycle recovery will ensure that your testosterone levels will still be able to function normally before gradually returning to normal. This will also boost testosterone production, but overall it will still take a few months. It is very important in the recovery process that your natural recovery process is based on the premise that the testosterone level in the body is not too low, and the body's gonadal axis is not seriously damaged. At the end of a cycle, the initial testosterone level in the body is very low, and glucocorticoids can easily control the hormone metabolism in the body, and recovery after the correct cycle will well inhibit the occurrence of such side effects.

5In terms of liver toxicity, Sustanon 250 does not have liver toxicity.

Sustanon 250 Effect

Sustanon 250  dosage / cycle


As a performance-enhancing drug, the dosage of Sustanon250 is about 250-1000 mg per week, and 250 mg per week can provide sufficient testosterone protection when mixed. And 500 mg per week is more recognized as the most effective, but also most men can tolerate. Some people will use higher doses, but high doses will bring more side effects, 1000 mg weekly dose will magnify all side effects.

Also explain that Sustanon250 will be more painful when injected.

Sustanon250 Review


Sustanon250 is an excellent anabolic steroid. It is versatile, well tolerated and works well in different cycles. There is no need to emphasize that Sustanon 250 is not better or worse than other testosterones. All testosterones have the same effect, but the metabolism time is different.

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